Ninurta coeruleopunctatus | Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard

Ninurta coeruleopunctatus; Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard; Ruan Stander; Herp Nomad; Garden Route reptiles; Garden route lizards; endemic reptiles of South Africa; Endemic lizards of the Western cape; endemic lizards of South Africa; Reptiles of South Africa; Lizards of South Africa

Ninurta coeruleopunctatus | Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard, Garden Route, Western Cape.

Ninurta coeruleopunctatus | Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard, Garden Route, Western Cape.

Ninurta coeruleopunctatus | Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard, Garden Route, Western Cape.

Ninurta coeruleopunctatus | Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard, Garden Route, Western Cape.

Ninurta coeruleopunctatus | Blue-spotted Girdled Lizard, Garden Route, Western Cape.